Here’s What You Need To Know About Traumatic Memories

Having Flashbacks or Nightmares?Here’s What You Need To Know About Traumatic Memories    If you’ve ever experienced overwhelming stress, shock, abuse, loss, neglect, or violence, your nervous system probably went into protection mode to keep you safe. By shutting down...

5 Signs You’re Dissociating

There are many myths and misconceptions about dissociation that can prevent people from getting the help they need. But understanding the signs of dissociation could be your first step to living a life of connection and meaning.     As we move through daily life,...

Think you know a narcissist? Think again.

Do you know someone who is highly competitive, charming, ingratiating, entitled, superior, grandiose or self-absorbed? The chances are, you probably do and you’ve possibly considered them a ‘narcissist’ and the chances are that you’d be wrong. These are all...

What is the Conversational Model of Therapy?

Understanding the Conversational Model of therapy The Conversational Model of Therapy (CMT) is a contemporary form of relational psychotherapy that evolved from psychoanalytic psychotherapy. It integrates aspects of neuroscience, developmental psychology, and...